LU Workshops


Vevox @ DBS Workshops & Resources

First training session is being held on Wednesday 17 January at 2pm.

After this date you can view the recording, slides and resources used for this workshop here:

Vevox Workshop and Resources page resource page


DBS Grade Criteria Workshop

This workshop was held on Friday 10 November 2023

You can view the recording, slides and resources used for this workshop here:

Grade Criteria Workshop resource page

quality standards logo

Quality Standards in Learning & Teaching

Our first workshop was held on 8th December 2022. The LU team presented on the DBS Quality Standards rubric that they had recently launched. This was an interactive workshop with breakout discussions and exercises for participants.

The next scheduled workshop is: TBC

Click here to go to the resource page for this workshop. 

online quiz graphic

Quizzes for Assessment

The first of these workshops was held on 17th February.  A recording of the presentation, slides and resources are available on the resource page for this workshop.

The next workshop is scheduled for: TBC

Click here to go to the resource page for this workshop.

image depicting copyright symbol and a stack of books

Academic Integrity for Faculty

The next scheduled workshop is: 24 March 2023 at 1pm.  Location: LU Training Room

Look out for the event on the DBS Events calendar.

Click here to go to the resource page for this workshop.

image depicting a cartoon character on a screen with a headset on

Assistive Technology

We are currently developing this workshop - watch this space!

Look out for the event on the DBS Events calendar.

Click here to go to the resource page for this workshop.